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CMMI Consulting and Appraisal

» CMMI Consulting and Appraisal Page ID : WP698 | Last Updated 22 Oct, 2024, 03:40AM
+91 - 9540751844
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process-level improvement training and appraisal program administered by the CMMI Institute (a subsidiary of ISACA). It was developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). 

ECL is a CMMI Institute Partner, recognized for providing CMMI Consulting and Training for Software Development, Production Support and Maintenance, Testing lifecycle projects. ECL is aggressively progressing towards providing Appraisal services on CMMI Development and Services Level 3 and 5 assessment. 

For more details kindly contact +(91) 9540751844 or cmmi@theecl.com

Proven effectiveness in organizations and governments globally over the last 25 years
  • consists of collected best practices designed to promote the behaviors that lead to improved performance in any organization
  • Customize to fit needs with four models for different environments
  • provide a framework for developing, improving, and sustaining business performance
  • enable to determine if the current way of doing things is working, and if improving, lead towards greater continuous improvement
Some proven benefits of CMMI-
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Increase the probability of capturing new and repeat business
  • Increase profit through improved quality and less rework
  • Increase productivity
  • Decrease risk
  • Provide MATURITY LEVEL RATING to differentiate us from our competitors

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